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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1994-01-01  |  12MB  |  6000x4000
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OCR: COLLECTION PRIVÉE COLLECTION PRIVÉE Volume 2 contains 100 unique Adult Kodak Photo-CD quality Photographs. Each unique Photograph can be viewed in 5 different resolutions. Collection COLLECTION PRIVÉE Volume 2 is compatible with: CD-I Photo-CD Macintosh (Slide Show Viewer included) Privée IBM PC & Compatibles System requirements: Macintosh · Requires system software 6.0.5. or greater, 8-16-24 bit colour display card and colour monitor IBM PC & Compatibles · PC 386 33 MHz or better VGA & Super VGA card and monitor Minimum 4 Mb Ram CD-Drive Software Driver MS-CDFX 2.00 or later InteractiX Photo-CD is a registered trademark of Eastman Kodak Company. All other product names or trademarks are property of their respective owner Volume 2